Wednesday, February 13, 2019

How Airbnb works?

What is Airbnb?
Airbnb it's a platform where you can look for accomodation.
The thing that makes Airbnb different is that you can become hoster and/or host. This platform allows you or anybody to rent your entire house or just a room. Lately a lot of guesthouses, hotel and hostels have started to use Airbnb as well.

So depending on your budget and what are you looking for, there's going to be a lot of options to choose from. You can decide to spend your time in a family home or in a luxury cabin just for yourself.

Is Airbnb secure?
Yes, it is.
Everybody need to check the identity submiting an official ID. Only after that, you're allowed to allocate or to be allocated.
Also, everytime you host or get hosted you get to write a review of the other user. That way you can always rely on other people experience before booking a place or acepting a guest.

Want to give it a try?
You can register using my referal link (just click the image above).
That way you get a USD 30 discount on your first reservation I also get a discount coupon for my next travel.

                                                           Airbnb Registration

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